Tuesday, 28 October 2008

two bad gigs and one good one

What have I been doing for the past month. Reading a lot, cooking in my new kitchen and going to gigs.

The first disappointing gig was the Nico tribute thing at the Festival Hall. John Cale curated it and there were some interesting things going on, but no idea who was who as they came on stage in a rather disorganised fashion. A couple of beautiful, evocative numbers, but mostly mediocre. John Cale had been on the radio the day before saying it would be -I think he used the word difficult - as Nico herself was a difficult person. It wasn't difficult at all - maybe that would have been preferable...mediocre in parts. I wonder what she would have thought? We had a fun evening though as we went with Di and Paul, and had a quick drink in The Hole in The Wall afterwards, before getting the last train home that night.

Disappointing gig number two. was at my old stomping ground, the Half Moon in Putney. Again with Di and this time with Alan and Patricia. The support man was great - sadly I can't remember his name, so that made the gig for me - plus of course being out with friends, but the main act - Jacqui mcShee's Pentangle was disappointing. A few of us had gone to see the original members of Pentangle do a 25th anniversary gig at the Festival Hall in the Summer and it was beautiful. This was different - Jacqui, too self effacing, straining at notes - the band , well they were very good, but it felt like they were playing in their own style and seperately to Jacqui. The band were reminiscent of Weather Report not that that's a bad thing -just didn't work for me, in conjunction with Jacqui's style. Good bits were when Jacqui and the band first came on with the support guy still playing, and they all slotted in to what he was doing as they built their own stuff up - that was perfect. Also some of the second half was good, where Jacqui did a few folk songs I hadn't heard before Can't believe a Guardian journalist who described this set up as 'the English Grateful Dead'  I don't think so.

On to the good gig. Last Saturday Phil and I went with Rebec to the Half Moon again to see John Otway. Hadn't seen him since the 80s, and then in the King's Head, Fulham - another old haunt. This time there was another good build up, a band with Loyd Grossman off the telly. They were good - lively american punk - all band members thoroughly enjoying themselves -Mr Loyd not at all starry, just part of a hard working band. Very good - lucky with support bands at the Half Moon. This time the main act was fantastic - John Otway; witty, energetic and musical the whole evening made me feel full of life. Shame to have to wait 25 mins for the train home though...

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Settled in

The Autumn's really begun. My favourite weather. Crisp sunny mornings -  Fresh air in the park in the mornings. Fresh starts. 

A weekend of fun coming up. Lunch with Ali la Peche on FridayParty on Saturday, Jacqui McShee gig at the Half Moon Putney with Phil, Di, Patricia and Alan on Sunday...all good at home, an optimistic time. One violin lesson with Pete Cooper lined up, as far away as November. What will I wear at our party? who will come? will there be enough of everything? Noooo! there's a scottish dancing night at church the same night, how can that happen?
Finished reading Dracula last week - what an excellent, cleverly written book. Am in the mood to write. Have got into dancing again, three times a week at the moment, having no discernable improving effect on my figure. More soon