Wednesday, 8 August 2007

almost there

Packing our cases, writing lists of what to remember- racking my brains to remember everything that needs to go on the lists. Have flicked through the programme for Whitby Folk Week, too much to choose from, but we're determined to get our money's worth after buying passes for the whole week. Can't wait to see Donna, and have nutritious, delicious dinner; gin and chocolate brownies for pudding, chat and laugh with her, Ken and Harriet; always a good start to our break. What will our flats be like in Whitby; a week by the harbour, another week up on the West Cliff. First night definitely dinner in the Khyber. Will try and blog from Whitby, but will be relying on internet cafes, otherwise no blogging until I'm back. Good old fashioned pen and paper will have to suffice...then will painstakingly transcribe it onto the mac upon my return. Will have to wait and see if my dancing and fiddling passed muster. Have a good Summer one and all; if the yummy mummies and daddies check in, hope wales was wonderful (and not too wet), let's all have a great summer!

1 comment:

Annie Wicking said...

Hi, You will love Whitby, if you would like to see some of whitby's past go to my family history blog.
Dead Men talk in Whitby.

I hope you have a great trip and I look forward to reading all about it on your blog.

best wishes