Wednesday, 7 May 2008

the stone kitchen floor disaster

Our building work is not quite finished....the kitchen floor is a disaster. we wanted stone, several people advised us against this; would I listen? You wouldn't believe how fussy stone is. I couldn't believe it either. This stone floor is limestone, with small fossils in. It's beautiful, or was. It needs to be sealed, with the correct stuff which is much pricier than going to Wickes and buying their floor sealant of course, then you need to be careful of every little kitchen type thing you might drop. So, no tomato, wine, lemon juice, coffee and more or less any other type of substance that one might normally, accidentally of course, spill in a kitchen.

To clean it, you can't use flash, or anything simple, you need to wash it-with special stuff- the stuff you can only buy from special shops or off the net with its confusion of advice and materials- then you have to leave it for a few minutes, and then rinse it, then dry it.
Oh and then, you have to reseal it every year and then every three years or so, you have to strip it all back with speacial and probably highly toxic chemicals, and start all over again.

My lovely floor already looks like a hundred elephants have danced across it in hobnailed boots. It's only really been in use for ten weeks or so. I wish I'd chosen lino.

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